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Podcast archive

Collection of podcasts created by New Zealand Doctor along with links to other podcasts of interest to our readers

System Fix: Episode 11 - Talking with Kim Gosman

New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa editor Barbara Fountain talks with rural health champion Kim Gosman about health reform and what it might mean for rural and Māori health

System Fix: Episode 10 - Rural sojourn

New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa editor Barbara Fountain caught up with folk in the rural health sector at the National Rural Health Conference to find out what they're thinking about the health reforms, in particular rural localities. Health and Disability System Transition Unit deputy director Martin Hefford provides some insights on the proposed changes


System Fix: Episode 9 - The Budget, go figure

Regular panelists, independent health researcher Gabrielle Baker and University of Auckland health policy researcher Tim Tenbensel, join New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa editor Barbara Fountain to take on the challenge of interpreting what this year’s Budget might mean for health and more specifically the health reforms, and catch up on progress with the reforms rollout

System Fix: Episode 8 - The big reveal

Health minister Andrew Little revealed his plans for the health system on 21 April with a restructuring which went well beyond that recommended in the Health and Disability System Review. Barbara Fountain and regular panelists Gabrielle Baker and Tim Tenbensel digest the news

System Fix: Episode 7 - Pondering DHBs and Health NZ

Her Easter plans having changed unexpectedly and with an announcement on the new health sector structures expected before the end of the month, New Zealand Doctor Rata Aotearoa editor Barbara Fountain, spent a rainy day at home hunting out the audio from last year's Popcorn Panel discussing super-sized DHBs and the proposed Health NZ. Joining her from the archival audio footage are health policy researcher Tim Tenbensel, health sector commentator Ian Powell and ProCare medical director and former DHB man Allan Moffitt. It's not your usual panel discussion.

System Fix: Episode 6 - On professional capture of change...and more

Barbara Fountain recaps the latest on the reforms taking place in the health system, and chats to Christchurch GP Vanessa Weenink and Auckland medical oncologist George Laking (Te Whakatōhea) – both with leadership roles in the sector – about the tricky issue of professional capture of systems and change; how veteran medical professionals could benefit from the education their younger colleagues are receiving, and the power shifts needed to help make reforms work.

System Fix: Episode 5 – What's happening out there?

The System Fix panel – Barbara Fountain, Gabrielle Baker and Tim Tenbensel – continues sifting through the bits and bobs of official news about transforming the New Zealand health and disability system. There’s more happening than first appearances might suggest 

System Fix: Episode 4 - Welcome to 2021

Time tables, game changers, the perennial issue of power plays within government systems, and more on what a Māori health agency might look like, are all up for discussion by Barbara Fountain and regular panellists Gabrielle Baker and Tim Tenbensel

System Fix: Episode 3 - Interview with health minister Andrew Little

New Zealand Doctor/Rata Aotearoa senior journalist Martin Johnston talks to health minister Andrew Little about progress with implementing the health sector changes as proposed by the Simpson Report

System Fix: Episode 2 - What next for disability services?

Disability services advocate Ruth Jones (Ngāti Porou) of Hei Whakapiki Mauri and Kanohi ki te Kanohi Consultancy and Jane Cartwright, chair of intellectual disabilities services provider Brackenridge Services, talk with New Zealand Doctor|Rata Aotearoa editor Barbara Fountain about why the Simpson report falls short for people with disabilities (With apologies for some technical glitches)